Home Travel Chubby Pilots and the Rest of the Week in Travel and Health

Chubby Pilots and the Rest of the Week in Travel and Health

by John Miller

Airplane CockpitThe stereotypical pilot is a dashing figure – tall, lean and handsome, a Master of the Universe-type who appears to have a perfect and exciting life.  Of course, that’s not reality. Their lives aren’t perfect, and they aren’t all tall, lean and handsome. In fact, some of them are downright out of shape. According to the Federal Aviation Administration, there are about 125,000 pilots considered to be obese. As the Wall Street Journal’s Andy Pasztor, the FAA is now planning to enhance medical scrutiny of overweight pilots susceptible to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. This is good news for passengers and pilots –the last thing we need are pilots nodding off inflight.

Speaking of pilots, retired pilot John Cox has an advice column at USA Today. This week he offers advice for nervous fliers. Basically, he advises not to worry about those “bumps and shakes” when you’re in the air; these pilots are professionals.

Airport food has come a long way… but how far? Most airports have veered away from the relentless piles of cheese Danish and offer at least a few healthy options for travelers. This week, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine issued its 13th annual Airport Food Review, which details which U.S. airports have the healthiest options.

We’re on the cusp of December, which means the Northern Lights – the beautiful light show— is about to begin. Scientists are expecting this year’s Aurora Borealis to be the most spectacular in a decade. CNN’s Hiufu Wong reports on the best places in the world to watch the Northern Lights.

Last week, the U.S. Government Accountability Office released a report bashing the TSA’s billion dollar behavioral screening program as pretty much useless. This week, an editorial in the Denver Post compared the “SPOT program (Screening Passengers by Observation Technique) to astrology. I don’t feel as safe now.

It’s been almost two weeks since Super Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, and now is the time when the spread of disease is most likely. The BBC’s Tulip Mazumdar reports on doctors who have traveled to The Philippines to help the long, arduous task of getting people healthy.

Heathrow is one of the world’s busiest airports, and it’s at 99 percent capacity. And since London is busting at the seams, expansions to the airport will at least be needed in the next few years. So what’s the answer? CNN’s Simon Busch reports on the idea being floated for just about the coolest airport in the world.

If you’re headed to Grandma’s house for the Thanksgiving holiday and don’t want to show up empty handed, you might have signed up to bring something for the dinner feast. But did you consider what you will and won’t be allowed to take on the plane? Jaunted tells you the do’s and don’ts. Sadly, you’re not allowed to take gravy through security.


Image courtesy of Digital Trends.

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