With airline restrictions changing so frequently, it can be difficult to keep straight what you can and cant bring on your flight, especially when it comes to m
A lot of things change when you become a mother, and traveling is certainly one of them. What was once a relatively simple experience has become a much bigger,
When most of us fly, we do everything we can to avoid a layover. Spending endless hours in some dreary airport terminal sounds like an absolute nightmare. But i
How Air Travel Will Change in 2017: The Comforts of Home at 30,000 Feet
by Bill Connby Bill ConnThe days of enjoyable and comfortable air travel seem to have disappeared. Instead of gourmet meals, lots of legroom and free drinks, we have snack boxes (if yo
Creating Your Personalized Travel Itinerary with the New Google Trips App
by Bill Connby Bill ConnA few years ago, a German friend invited me to take a last-minute trip to Oktoberfest. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tick off a bucket-list item, w
Flying Like It’s 1986: 3 Ways Technology and Trends Have Changed the In-Flight Experience
by Bill Connby Bill ConnIt’s hard to remember what it was like to fly in 1986 for those of us old enough to have been there.
Or maybe you’re a millennial who never experienced the joy -
Air travel is exciting – you’re soaring through the air, thousands of miles above the land heading to a faraway place to eat, laugh, learn, experience new thing
Solo Travel: Getting Over the Fear of Being Alone Leads to Self-Discovery
by Nicole Jenetby Nicole JenetSamantha Hartman in Porto, Portugal
After going through a bad breakup, Logan Stewart was having a hard time focusing on anything and felt the urge to do somethi