Keep Clutter at BayUseful items to keep your home elegantly organizedAs summer gives way to a busy fall and schedules get a bit more hectic, things have a way of getting disheveled. You can get your h
Simple Tips to Relieve Clutter DistressGetting organized can feel like an insurmountable goal when every place in your home becomes a catch-all for the family clutter, especially if your closets and d
Clever Storage for Kids\’ RoomsTo many parents, the process of keeping kids\’ rooms clean never seems to end. And while a kid\’s room may never look quite like the perfect rooms in magazines, a few cleve
Mix Up Something EclecticOn-trend design ideas for your kitchen renovationFor most homes, there’s one room that serves as the hub of all activity. From preparing mouthwatering meals to entertaining a
Simple Storage Solutions to Keep Home and Garden Tools OrganizedThe warmer months bring more families outside to play and work in the comfort of their backyards. From keeping pool toys to rakes organi
Spruce Up for Spring: Fresh ideas for home upgradesFresh ideas for home upgradesSpring means it’s time to start sprucing up your home and garden with a little TLC inside and out. If you’re unsure wher