Home Travel More Cruise Ship Hell: This Week in Travel and Health

More Cruise Ship Hell: This Week in Travel and Health

by John Miller

Bahamas_Cruise_Ship_FireWe debate this all the time in the HTB newsroom – cruises: Good or bad? I am on the bad side. Until the industry as a whole straightens out its issues, I’m not even going to think about a cruise. Reuters has the details on the latest fiasco – a fire on board a Royal Caribbean ship that cut short a Bahamas cruise. It took about two hours to put out the fire. Thankfully, no one was injured, but the rest of the cruise was canceled.

While cruises have been plagued by fires and burnt out engines and overflowing toilets this last year, it’s only fair to point out that bad stuff happens on airplanes too. The Wall Street Journal’s Melinda Beck reports on a new study that looks at inflight medical emergencies; most of the emergencies are for relatively minor issues, such as fainting or gastrointestinal issues. Passengers who are doctors help their fellow passengers in about half the cases.

ABC News’ Katie Moisse reports on efforts to track the outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus in the Middle East. The epidemic is spreading, and has claimed the life of a French tourist who had traveled to Dubai. At the New York Times, Donald McNeil takes a look at the way scientists and doctors are fighting against these epidemics and managing to keep them under control despite the virulence of both the coronavirus and H7N9.

Anybody who frequently flies internationally has a system for beating jet lag. Some work, some don’t, and some are just plain crazy. So here’s an idea, courtesy of Amy Dockser Marcus at the Wall Street Journal – embrace a scientific approach to beating jet lag in order to make your visit to your destination more enjoyable.

London had a huge tourism year in 2012, driven in large part by the Olympics and the Royal Wedding, and has been the globe’s top tourism destination for, seemingly, eons. But it looks like the torch is being passed. USA Today’s Jayne Clark reports on new projections that show Bangkok is poised to become the world’s top tourist destination. The study shows a shift in global travel trends – 11 of the top 12 cities with increases in air travel are in Asia or the Middle East.

Earlier this month we offered you mountains to climb that were a little less death defying than some of the world’s highest peaks. That list was not for adventurer Valery Rozov, who not only climbed Mt Everest this week – he jumped off. Really. The Wenger Blog has video of Rozov’s leap into the abyss. And yes, it set a record for the highest base jump ever.

If you’re interested in a more mundane adventure in the wilderness, The Planet D has five awesome wilderness adventures that anyone can enjoy in Canada.

And if you are out in the wild getting close to nature, Conde Nast Traveler’s Tom Brown has advice for your family as it plans its campsite: separate tents.

And finally, as the summer season beckons, CNN offers up this bucket list of the world’s 100 best beaches. Enjoy.  And use sunscreen.

Photo from the Palm Beach Post.

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